Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Mission Trip in Mississip - Day 2: Dumpster Diving

Ok, I know at this point this is actually day three, but last night our condo internet decided it wanted to take a break, so I had to take one as well. Day two was a really productive day. Kind of.

We started out the day by beating the brakes off of a hardwood floor. We showed up at this house and proceeded to absolutely rip this floor a new one (literally). It took us about 45 minutes to completely rip the old floor out of the first room. Upon further inspection, we decided that we also needed to rip the floor out of another room that was connected to it. This meant that we also had to rip out the floating wall that was between the two.

It would've been really hard to miss us if you were driving down this road, because we were all wearing these bright, neon, could've-been-used-as-safety-orange-while-hunting shirts, and there were about 25 of us lined up down the walkway to the front door carting out the debris. We made short work of the trailer that Heritage United Methodist loaned us; it was full before we even started on the second room.

About that second room...that was actually done DURING lunch break. Brett, Al, and Robert stayed with a few of the youth and ripped out the wall and the second floor. Kudos to them for being champs. We brought them some sandwiches and they were perfectly content to keep on rippin'.

Now, the reason that day two has been named "Dumpster Diving" has to do with our second job. For the uninitiated, this trip was supposed to contain two jobs: we were supposed to rip out and re-floor one house and completely gut another. When we got our first look at the second house, Ben decided (rightly so) that there was no way the lil' Heritage trailer was going to be able to handle the flood o' debris that was going to come out of this house. He put in a call to another company to get us a 30 foot long dumpster. We were told around lunchtime that they would have it to the job site in 2 hours. Let the wild goose chase begin.

We got that info right before we left for lunch. Because we were trying to be prepared for the imminent arrival of a dumpster, we ate lunch really, REALLY fast...and then headed straight back. Well, two hours came and went and the dumpster had yet to arrive. We decided that if we waited for this dumpster we weren't going to make any headway on job two at all, so we started getting stuff out of the house and piling it in the front yard.

We cleaned out that house in a little under an's amazing what 40 clean-out zealous people can do. Anyway, I happened to be the picture guy, so I was trying to get around to both job sites. I walked over to the flooring house to take a couple of shots, and when I came back I found Nathan Beck wailing on sheetrock. This looked like fun to me and about 10 other guys, so we picked up sledgehammers, clawhammers, crowbars, and whatever else we could swing and tore every bit of sheetrock that we could physically get to out of the house. That stuff got piled up in the front yard, too. And the insulation got piled in our eyes. That being said, we got a ton done.

Oh, and the sloppy joes were great too. I'll write the update from today later tonight...I promise.

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