Monday, July 6, 2009

Mission Trip in Mississip - Day 1: The Voyage of the Dirty Marshmallow, The Swab, and The Pearl

So I'm not even going to try and act like I have the wakefulness or presence of mind to write some deep blog post right now. Plus, we've just now gotten here and I don't have much to write about.

Long story short, there are right between 40-50 of us HBCers in Mississippi, and we're going to spend the next five days gutting one house and hanging drywall and ripping the floor out of another and putting a new one in. I'm going to try and take some pictures, but I'm pretty absent minded so the number that actually ends up being posted is yet to be determined.
We took, counting meal breaks, around 10 hours to get here. Traffic was pretty bad on I-10 due to a wreck, but we got past looked pretty rough, so I hope the guy who was driving that truck ended up being ok.
We passed on the Whataburger run that we made last year (thank the Lord...literally) and ended up going to Taco Bell/McDonald's/Domino's. I think that'll end up serving us better than the three days of intestinal fury that Whataburger caused us last year.
More to come tomorrow.

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